Saturday, 19 September 2009


For my art textiles gcses I have to make a bag or pillow out of recycled stuff! I am really stuck for ideas I was thinking Jeans which would be pretty cool but I think that everyone is going to do that so i have uploaded some pictures for ideas. Please leave a comment if you have any ideas!
This bag is made out of coke can clips.very clever.
This bag is made from leather belts it's very cute and clever!

These dresses are gawjus I love them so clever and cheap! Great inspiration! There are hundreds of more pictures i could put on but for now thats it.


  1. Ha ha, ur a more obsessed poster than me!!! But that is a great post btw, i love those dresses, especially the.... well they're all gawjus. Good luck, missing u already. I can't buy the jumper, but i reaaaaalllly want to!!!! i dont even have enough money!

  2. Hi, I've just finished my high school design folios (i'm from Australia though)so I maybe I can give you a bit of advice - don't do the jeans, I reckon you could come up with something heaps more creative. You've mentioned recycled stuff, so what about making it a statement about the environment and using only things you've scavanged off the streets? If you did a pillow, it could be a statement about the conditions the homeless live in. Good luck :)
    Bisous xx

  3. Livi, u got a new comment from som1, see, all, my own doing, LOL! she has a good point, keep postign gawjus!

  4. Wow these are such good ideas, love that newspaper dress.
    On project Runway they had a challenge where they had to made clothes out of recycled cars, and this one guy did a really cool dress out of car seat belts.
    Good luck on the GCSE, maybe post a photo when you have finished your recycled project?
    I would love to see it!

  5. jeeez those are some crazy skirts! I love the one on the middle right.
    @Beth I loved that project runway episode! its one of my favorites!
    i also love project runway in general

  6. yeah, i love those dresses. i've thought about trying to make something out of recycled maps- all of the different lines and colors could really make an interesting piece!
    good luck with your project. :)

  7. I really love the belt bag, thats different but you could use bottle tops off drinks if u could flatten them. Nice blog btw and thanks for commenting on mine.
